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Films of the Hamster Bros.
filmography by Stu Shiffman

The Hamster Brothers, Shep (1900-1965) and Iz (1905-1986), came out of vaudeville's Keats-Orpheus Circuit, where they were best known for their "Major Hartthrob--Monkey Hunter" and "But We All Speak Engleesh Now" turns, and to Broadway prominence in 1926 with their spectacular "Elephant Feathers" show. Some 5 years later, as Azumith Pictures signed them to a multiple-picture contract which began with "Gold Rust" in 1931. Through many trials and tribulations, the brother team also found success in radio on "The Spapoop Hamster Half-Hour" and "Your Cavalcade of Laffs". Television was an even bigger success, with many guest appearances on music/variety programs including the Ed Sullivan Show.

Films of the Hamster Brothers:

The Gold Rust
Pardon My Serape
Ditzy Detectives
Hey! You Ghost!
Banana Oil Prospectors
Songs of a Dessert Island
Radio Rodents
Hound of the Hamstervilles
Hamster Hooligans