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24 September 2007

Valentines Dazed
by E.O. Costello, M. Mitchell Marmel, & Walter D. Reimer
January & February 1937, from some different points of view.

Chapter 5

"Valentines Dazed"
by E.O. Costello,  M. Mitchell Marmel, & Walter D. Reimer
All characters © their respective creators

  Chapter 5

    "Who's the old boy with the rack in the conference room, Charlie?"

    "Carlos de Ciervos y Comamenta.  That's the short version. I'm amazed he gets all of the long version on one card."

    "Yeah, so I see from th' card.  Sheesh! You're telling me... Well, what's his beef?"

    "He thinks some fur's making happy-sack time with his daughter, and he wants that we should get the goods on Mr. Bounce-Bounce."

    "Sounds pretty straight up.  You know how things are.  Why don't you take care of it?"

    "There's a few...complications."

    "Do tell."

    "See, the old boy hangs his hat up north in the Spontoons."

    "So?  See if you can get Agent Fawnsworthy to get off her flag.  She's still on the clock, engagement or not."


    "Um what?"

    "The old boy has a pretty good idea who's making happy-sack time with his daughter."


    "It's Leslie duCleds."


    "...See the problem?"

    "Ye-es, I do. *sigh* Jiminy!  How come Agent Fawnsworthy hasn't mentioned this?"

    "Well...be fair, Jerry.  I looked up her orders.  She isn't supposed to keep duCleds from having happy-sack time.  And she's only supposed to report happy-sack time if there's a threat of legal action."

    "Is there?"

    "Legal action, no.  Winchester Wedding, maybe.  The old boy's was lookin' at the gun display in the lobby with a funny twitchin' of his paws."

    "Heh.  Well, at least Pete duCleds ain't no hypocrite."

    "True, true.  So whadda we do?"

    "Let me call Agent Fawnsworthy long-distance.  If this can't get resolved that way...hmmm.  Hmmmm.  Say, we still stuck with Bernie Phlute?"

    "And how.  I've got him on filing duty at the moment 'til that gunshot wound in his foot heals up."

    "All right. Send his file to me.  I've got an idea..."


    "Agent Fawnsworthy, how come you haven't reported Leslie duCleds' activities with Inocenta de Ciervos?"

    A snort from the other end.  "Oh, it's AGENT Fawnsworthy, now, Jerry?  Okay, AGENT McCarthy, the principal didn't call me in for dictation, soooo..."  A snicker over the line.  "All you'd get is a bunch of moans, groans and monosyllables, anyway.  Would you like me to suggest that next time he..."


    "He's with her now, you know."

    "NOW?!  While her father is here in the Honolulu office?!"

    "Yup.  Senora de Ciervos suggested to her daughter that she needed a fawnsitter."  Another quiet snicker.  "Though she's probably the one sitting on-"

    "I don't wish to know that."  *sigh* "And how do you know this?"

    "Senora de Ciervos is having dinner right now in the suite. Hmmm?  Oh, right.  She says hello, and to tell Carlos not to have the pineapple fritters, he knows how they disagree with his tummies..."

    "She...WHAT?! Good God, what a family."

    "I think it's marvelous that she takes that kind of attitude. You can't keep a young, healthy doe under glass forever, don't you think?"

    "Never mind that.  Look, Willow, I just wanted some information . . ."

    "I can have Inocenta de Ciervos call you tomorrow, if you want the whole story.  It's no problem..."


    "Would you like to speak to Senora de Ciervos?  She'd be happy to give you full details..."

    "Dear God, no. Spare me, Agent Fawnsworthy."

    "Your loss, Agent McCarthy.  I mean, Inocenta is biased, but her account of how Les can use his..."

    "I said spare me, Agent Fawnsworthy.  Don't worry.  You are off this case.  No, in fact, you were never on this case.  This telephone call didn't happen.  I'll tell Mr. Minkerton you were conflicted out."

    "You're no fun anymore, Jerry.  I remember that night in Oahu-" 

    "Ahem.  I . . .  don’t suppose we need to know what the de Ciervoses are up to at the moment.  Good NIGHT, Agent Fawnsworthy."


    "Ah!  You are deciding, then, to have the how you say the gumhoof make the investigation of this doggie for Carlos de Ciervos?"

    "Yes, sir. We've looked through our roster, and we think we've found the ideal operative for this job.  I think this operative will bring the appropriate level of competence and vigor to your case."

    "Pouf!  That is all that I, Carlos de Ciervos, can make the request of you.  I am the satisfied.  When will this, your how you say operation, he start the cluemaking?"

    "I will have Agent Phlute arrive within the next few days."

    "Ah!  Highly satisfactory.  I must go, then.  I have make with the catch of the early flight, so that I may get back in the time to ensure that my little Inocenta is in the safe paws."

   Valentines Dazed
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