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First posted 3 September 2006
Art added 2 April 2015

Wild & Plantation

(Note: Coconut palms do not thrive on the Spontoon Atoll,
although they do grow in other islands of the Spontoon Archipelago.)

Coconuts are a major part of Pacific Island culture.
The unripe & ripe seeds (coconuts) provide basic food & drink,
& the tree trunk and leaves (fronds) provide building materials.
Coconut 'meat' (the white lining of the mature nut) can be scraped out
and dried into 'Copra', which is processed for coconut oil, one of the
few cash crops from the islands of interest to international traders.

Here are some sample reference images:

A 'Volunteer' coconut grove, where the coconuts planted themselves!
These wild trees are scattered and of different ages.
Plantation groves are hand-planted at one time, usually in rows.
Cutting the meat from the cracked coconuts

Going up a coconut tree, on an island in the Spontoon Archipelago - by Ken Fletcher
Going up a coconut tree; on one of the Spontoon Archipelago islands
by Ken Fletcher