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First posted 18 January 2011
* Update 21 August 2014 *
Masie Mallard
illustrated by Simon
(Some of the images may be for the mature,
Masie is a lively young female of fashionable dress and silhouette
in the 1920s, often seen on South Island,
Spontoon Atoll -
usually partying at the newer resort hotels,
favorite hangouts of her social set.

"Flapper 1" by Simon
Barber (larger file here - 820
(Masie Mallard in 1926)
celebrating starting work on the Topotabo Hotel, South Island.
(Dancing on the new concrete hotel foundations.)"
or "How Margot's family picked up mammal DNA."
Masie Mallard cliff-diving (20 feet)
off South Island, circa 1926
By Simon Barber (larger file here
- 2.7 MBytes)
Masie playing ball in the pool -
by Simon Barber
(Larger file here - 2.4 MBytes)

Masie's not one of those Fancy-Mammal
girls... (Larger file here
- 1.4 MBytes )
By Simon Barber
"Flapper 5" - by Simon
Barber (Larger file here - 1.1 MBytes)
"Two of
Masie Mallard's fellow tourists commenting on her
choice of a date...." Circa 1926
* Masie Takes the Pullman Car - by Simon Barber *
In 1929, Masie Mallard left the Spontoon Islands, where she'd been holidaying unrestrainedly.
Returning to the United States, She boarded a train home, reserving a suite in one of the streamliner's
Pullman sleeping cars - somewhat depressed as her holiday was over, and the bootlegger
she'd been to before had been raided and wiped out by unsympathetic G-men.
She was in the need of some cheering up - and very late at night noticed that
the attendant "George" was both handsome and not at all busy.
(Upload 21 August 2014)
Panel illustrations & quoted captions by Simon Barber
of his characters: Masie Mallard & her friends.