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First posted 8 January 2010

Visiting Aircraft:

Falcon II
"Manchu Duck"
owner & head pilot: Captn. Circe

An amphibian floatplane
displayed in pencil sketches,
as researched & designed
by Taral Wayne


Mandrin-Falconni floatplane Falcon II 'Manchu Duck' by Taral Wayne
  Mandrin-Falconni Falcon II
(larger file - 790 KBytes)
("Manchu Duck" - a private floatplane owned & flown by by Captn. Circe)

Interior diagram floatplane 'Manchu Duck' Mandrin-Falconni Falcon II by Taral Wayne
Interior diagram of the Mandrin-Falconni Falcon II
(larger file - 790 KBytes)
(interior layout of private floatplane of Captn. Circe,
showing working and living spaces for her crew and herself)
