"The Red Dorm"
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Link to 'Red Dorm' Story Archive

The "Red Dorm" of Songmark Academy,
ready for a game with their Kilikiti bats
Tatiana Bryzov, Brigit Muvaney, Wo
Shin, Libery Morgenstern
Art by "MoodyFerret" - http://us.vclart.net/vcl/Artists/MoodyFerret
http://www.furaffinity/user/moodyferret (Larger-sized
version of this image)
(commissioned by Walter D. Reimer)
The adventures of one dormroom of Anti-socials and
at the Songmark Aeronautical Boarding School
for Young Ladies
(Songmark Academy on the Spontoon Island Atoll)
Character Wo Shin by Walt Reimer, other characters by Simon Barber
(Tatiana released to Reese Dorrycott)
Link to 'Red Dorm' Story Archive
The students of the 'Red Dorm', Songmark Academy (circa 1936-1938):
Miss Brigit Mulvaney, of the Irish Free State (Eire)
Comrade Tatiana Bryzov, of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Citizen Liberty Morgenstern, of the People's Republic of New Haven (North America)
& (the young) Mrs. Wo Shin (Ni Shin, of the notorious Ni family of Krupmark Island)

"Lucky Soap" (Red Dorm) (color) - (Larger file here - 5.4 MBytes)
Art by L. Frank - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/wom-bat
Color by M. Mitchell Marmel - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/marmelmm/
(commissioned by Walter D. Reimer)
From Walt Reimer: "...bit of an imagined scene from the Spontoon Island universe.
In early 1936, Red Dorm had only known each other for, at most, one term.
Fights had been common, and the Russian sable, Irish setter, Chinese red panda
and New Haven canine were still highly mistrustful of each other.
But that was nothing compared to their reactions when faced with
the Songmark Aeronautical School's communal showers ...
Here we have a soap's eye view of our young ladies (left to right):
Tatiana Bryzov, Russian sable - Brigit Mulvaney, Irish setter -
Wo Shin, Chinese red panda - Liberty Morgenstern, New Haven canine (coyote/hound mix).
You have to admit, that's one lucky bar of soap."
* Tatiana Bryzov with Soviet Russian flag - art by Megan Giles *
(Larger file here - 394 KBytes)
(A member of the "Red Dorm" at the Songmark Aeronautical Academy,
& encountered in stories by Reese Dorrycott, Simon Barber, & Walter Reimer)
(Simon Barber comments on this picture: "The pic of Tatiana was certainly from her
early days at Songmark - she's quite renounced IOseph Starling and all his works.")
(commissioned by Walter D. Reimer)

* Brigit Mulvaney and the flag of Eire - art by Carrie A. Krueger *
("FlyingFire") (Larger file here - 693 KBytes)
(commissioned by Walter D. Reimer - character by Simon Barber)

* Liberty Morgenstern in front of the Red Fist flag *
of the People's Republic of New Haven
(Larger file here - 1.4 MBytes)
Art by AedenSolus of StormDog Studios
(commissioned by Walter D. Reimer - character by Simon Barber)

Wo Shin - art by Jeanna Mendyk
(commissioned by Walter D. Reimer)
(Mrs. Wo Shin, 'Red Dorm' student at Songmark Academy,
appears (sometimes with her dorm-mates)
in the stories "Luck of the Dragon"
by Walter D. Reimer)

Wo Shin gets frisked by Adele Beasley
at the gate to Songmark Academy
(Chapter 33 Luck of the Dragon -- illustration by Simon Barber)

Wo Shin helps Adelade find some Casino work
during the Songmark holiday break....
(Chapter 34 Luck of the Dragon -- Illustration by Simon Barber)
"A Rude Awakening" -- early morning
at the Songmark Compound with a Guard dog & Wo Shin.
The Red Dorm does a practical joke (Illustration by Simon Barber)
Wo Shin shows the blackmail
picture to Adele back at Songmark Academy
(Chapter 52 "Luck of the Dragon" illustration by O.T. Grey)

Inspector Stagg gets
the New
Year's package delivered by Wo Shin
(Chapter 81 "Luck of the Dragon" illustration by Simon Barber)
Wo Shin as bait for trapping
'invaders' (on a military exercise).
(Chapter 85 "Luck of the Dragon") Art by O.T. Grey
Shin vs. the
Assassin with a Rifle (Chapter 124 "Luck of the Dragon")
Art by Kjartan
Pooltable Art (Wo Shin as painted by
Chauncy Fleetik)
"Luck of the Dragon: Arrangements" by
Walt Reimer
by Seth C. Triggs

Wo Fang, husband of Wo Shin (Ni Shin)
in the serial story, Luck of the Dragon,
by Walt Reimer
Art by Jim Groat - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rabbi-tom/
* Wo Shin Teasing Wo Fang - (Larger file here - 549 KBytes) *
art by Jim Groat - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rabbi-tom/
Art Archive for "Luck of the Dragon"