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Uploaded 30 April 2008
  The Meaning of Mayday
by John Urie

The Meaning of Mayday
by John Urie

Excerpt from R.I.N.S. Court of Inquiry Transcript -- 6/22/38

Warning: this document may only be examined by ranking fursonell of
the Rain Island Naval Syndicate.  All other access restricted.

Presiding Officer of record for these proceedings is Captain J. S. Griggs. 

Court Advocate of Record is Commander Elena Stelly.

The Court Advocate is addressing the bench;

Court Advocate: And so the records clearly show, Captain, that upon receiving the distress call from the stricken KV-3, the officers in question, Ensign Malahini, and Ensign Pupele, proceeded to abandon their posts.  The records further show that these actions resulted in the loss of said aircraft in a crash landing in the Spontoon Islands' Main Lagoon.

Presiding Officer: Was there any loss of life in the crash, any injuries?

Court Advocate: No loss of life, thank goodness, and only minor injuries, sir.  But that KV-3 is a total write off.  They still haven't finished dredging up all the parts.

Presiding Officer: I see.

(The P.O. turns to address the witness.)

Presiding Officer: Ensign Pupele, I find your actions in this instance to be not only deplorable, but utterly baffling.  What POSSIBLE explanation can you and Ensign Malahini offer for leaving your post in the middle of a distress call?

Ensign Pupele: Well, y'see sir...if you might recall, the incident happened on Friday, the 30th of April...last day of April y'know.  And we wasn't all that up on the new call signs, so... wellllll...

Presiding Officer: Well, WHAT?!

Ensign Pupele: Wellllll, so when we heard the words ‘Mayday, Mayday' coming over the radio, we thought it meant the celebrations was starting early.  And so we left to go join in, before all the booze was gone

(There follows a brief interlude, during which the Presiding Officer repeatedly bangs his head against the bench.)

end of transcript
                Tales of Rain Island
                May Day

"May Day" by Taral Wayne
"May Day" by Taral Wayne