Spontoon Island
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First posted 11 January 2011
*  Updates 22 September 2015  *
("Willow in early 1930s clothing" by Terency Owens)
**  Update 27 September 2017  **
*Tali on the Spontoon Archipelago)

Character Art Archives
featuring characters created by
M. Mitchell Marmel

as might be seen on the Spontoon Island Archipelago, 1925 - 1945.
Archives of commissioned art, his own art, & his coloring of commissioned art.

(Some of the art or parts of these archives are for mature viewers,
for nudity or adult situations)

Willow Fawnsworthy  *
(& her companion, Grace)

Rosie Baumgartner

Toni DiFrancesca

**  Tali H. Mason  **
(on the Spontoon Archipelago)

other related art archives:

Leslie duCleds (gentleman adventurer)
with Willow Fawnsworthy (secretary & agent)

Reggie Buckhorn
& friends & acquaintances