Spontoon Island
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*  Update 16 January 2014  *
**  Update 29 December 2014  **
***  Update 21 January 2015  ***
****  Update 22 September 2015  ****


Honey from the Siripool Apiary
"Siripool Honey" by Jerry Collins
Larger file here (1.8 Mb)
Direk & Wanee enjoying their life at the Siripool family apiary on Main Island.
(characters from Richard Messer's "When Jealousy Rears Her Lovely Head")

Laurant Ingram, Body Guard - by Jerry Collins
***  Laurant Ingram, Body Guard - by Jerry Collins  ***
(Larger file here - 731 KBytes)

Rene Krickafalloozi, Lady Mad Scientist - by Jerry Collins
***  Dr. René Krickafalloozi, Lady Mad Scientist - by Jerry Collins  ***
(Larger file here - 707 KBytes)
(As sometimes seen on Cranium Island)

Delivering Ice (2 female workers) - by S. A. Gallacci
**  Delivering Ice (2 female workers) - By S.A. Gallacci  **
Larger files here (1.4 MBytes), and here (1.7 MBytes)
(Upload 16 July 2014)

Jenny and the Stone Idol (medium size) - by Dennis Clark
Jenny and the Stone Idol - by Dennis Clark
(Larger file here - 1.5 MBytes)

"Sometimes, when we are searching for something,
we only have to look as far as under our rump".
(Upload 20 March 2013)
Jenny Spinnelli character page

'Sir Josslyn wants to see you in his office...' (Sir Josslyn Buckhorn) (thumbnail) - art by J.W. Kennedy - character by E. O. Costello
Sir Josslyn Buckhorn, Bt.
An international food marketing executive (E.O. Costello)
Art by J.W.Kennedy -

Masie Mallard - a young partyer of fashionable 1920s silhouette,
seen with her set at the new hotels on South Island, circa 1926.

(From Simon Barber) (one image for the mature)

Lei-Lani - a diver from Tahiti,
who makes the Spontoon Atoll her home in the 1930s -
and her romance with Alex Decker: Perhaps a playboy,
but more likely an adventurer with mysterious motives...
(Featuring art by Rusty Haller) (some images for the mature)

Ranua Milikonu
RINS graduation portrait (art by Kjartan)
character by Walter Reimer from "Woodcarver's Son"

(From Tony VonKrag) The Rochard family on Casino Island
Hank, Chef at The Marleybone Hotel, Mark, & Maggie

Larry Drucker, a biography of an American Tycoon
(by Stuart McCarthy -- from the "Sky Shark" comic strips)

Hermann von Salza, charter pilot & courier (Pelzig)
Miki Kasumi,
pilot and adventuress (Pelzig)
Mr. Ramanjuan
, the sweets seller (David Ackermann)

Elena Northridge: Letter From Spontoon Island (David Cummer)

Ken Fletcher does some illos of islanders:
Tilli-li, reporter & dj, (more images at Radio LONO)
"Spontooni Tilli-li", late night dj
Miss Jayne "Checkers" Wildford, pilot & instructor
Miss Blande and Songmark pupil at firing range
Coconut Shell dancer doing the Charleston
Rongway Roo 1935 December flight

Jyuzo K. Dog, Negishi Air Cargo (Ken Singshow) 

Edy Loddis off-duty & happy (thumbnail) - art by Sonderjen - character by Ken Fletcher
Edy Loddis, crashboat commander & RINS Syndic  *
(portraits & backstory by Ken Fletcher)

*  (New art by Sonderjen)  *
The Chicken Shaman Ladyof Orpington Island(illo by Fletcher)
Sara of SARA'S AIR REPAIR (Tim Fay)

Tara & Tiki in the jungle; art by Timothy Fay
Tara and Tiki in the Jungle - art by Timothy Fay

Laurie Gerholz does illos of her characters:
Tanji-li with basket

Claire Cicely and Professor John Minsky
Claire meets Tanj-li
Claire Cicely and Tanj-li compare coconut lore
Tanj-li wields a spontoon

M. Mitchell Marmel's characters:
Leslie duCleds and Willow Fawnsworthy,
adventurer & companion
Reggie Buckhorn & Willow Fawnsworthy (& others)
from their romantic comedy adventures

M. Mitchell Marmel & EO Costello's characters:
Whitney Iveagh St.James,
reporter & friend of Franklin Stagg

  From Joyceanna Brock and Dennis Clark:
Jenny Spinelli, visiting Ornithologist
A'hataman'a, a Constable on Main Island

Jeneeni Datchurio - character portrait art - by Jerry Collins
Jeneeni Datchurio, importer (by Jerry Collins)
Angelica Silferlindh,
pilot (from Freddy Andersson's
comicstrip, SILVERANGEL--inked by Ken Fletcher)
Flight Lt. Basil Baskerville (Jerry Collins)
Flying Cue-Ball Air Freight Company (Stu Shiffman)
(Pilot Bunny Hopkins & Engineer Switch Nichols)
Bjorn, charter air pilot (Kjartan)
Bjorn's Dream(strip by Kjartan)
Andrace (Bruce Grant - illo: Simon Barber)

Serafina Perreira sings at Club Haole(Stu Shiffman)
A Portrait of SerafinaPerriera (Stu Shiffman)
A romantic native couple(Derrick Dasenbrock)
The Actress, Lili Chanelle (Ken Pick)
  "Big Red", Singer, Entertainer, Nightclub Owner
(Richard Bartrop, portrait & backstory)

Ilsa Klensch, German test pilot (R. Bartrop, portrait & backstory)
Madame Lau, trader (R. Bartrop, portrait & backstory)
Reverend "Beefy" Bingham(Stu Shiffman)
Patterned Painting Lady(Brock & Clark)
Bjorn visits the Patterned Painting Lady (Kjartan)
Maggie D. Katz (Jay Shell)
Omar (Jay Shell)

Chinese panda air pirate (Stuart McCarthy)
Nikki Ibarra Lily Benevedo - charter airpilot
(file opens to 311 Kb) Art by Louis Frank;
character by Reese Dorrycott in stories at the Naorhy archive

 Seahorse Air Freight opens for business 1933
(snapshot from the Carspeckens)
Sky Shark (biography & pictures by Stuart McCarthy)
(21 January 2006 -- more pictures by Stuart)
The McCradden family of Superior Engineering
(article by S A Gallacci)
Lady Pamela Fenwick, sponsor of British air racing (R. Bartrop)

Sophia Bianco being elegant (Stuart McCarthy)
Sophia Bianco, air race pilot, actress, airplane designer
(background, biography & art by Stuart McCarthy)

Bertholt Ulf, freelance pilot (Jerry Collins)
Mingus Kitzelstein ("Gus Kitzel") (Stu Shiffman)

Pharmacist & visiting Politician - sketch (Ken Fletcher)
Longshoreman & Clerk - sketch (Ken Fletcher)

Tom Foster's
Workers of Spontoon Island

Soviet Russian Embassy
Casino Island
via Dennis Clark 
Soviet Russian Embassy Staff 1936-1938  
Shortly before re-assignment 1938

Three Soviets
Tanya Budenov, Rachael Rochmanov,
& Nikola Vashugin,

as sketched by Brian Kinnison:

At home in Mother Russia:
A group portrait.
Unwanted design advice?
Rachael evaluates her new AEROFLOT aircraft.

An extended visit to the Spontoon Archipelago:
Rachael working on an engine.
Tanya & Rachael do some maintenance.