Spontoon Island
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First posted 24 August 2008
> Art added 22 October 2017 <
>> Art added to Auto Racing on 20 November
2017 <<
>>> Image link fixed for Auto
Racing 6 March 2021 <<<

"Speed Week Billboard
Banner" by Warren Hutch -
- warrenhutch@yahoo.com
[Information for
contributors, with
reference Links]
(updated 22 July 2018)
Air racing and
a week of other organized races -
Set in the 1930s, on some unique Pacific Islands
in the Spontoon Island Archipelago.
> "Fly Me
To Spontoon" Poster <
©'38 Humuhumunukunukuapna'a Tap Dancing Society
Larger file here
(6.8 MBytes)
Larger file here
(3.1 MBytes)
Mystery floatplanes:
"Cupid's Arrow" & "The Moth" by Themnax
Larger file here (1.9 MBytes)
- http://www.furaffinity.net/user/themnax/
A dispatch from our Speedweek correspondent: "The
arrival of these two unusually
designed seaplanes, within minutes of each other,
has caused a sensation among
the visiting aviation fans and designers, for their
alleged ability to do near-vertical
landing and take-offs. "The Moth" (seen here floating on
the Lagoon) looks to be
a very viable ornithopter design. The unknown origin of
these unmarked aircraft
(and their design principles) make them true
"Mystery Ships" at this Speed Week."
"The scientists of Cranium Island have been the origin of
some visiting aircraft
during SpeedWeek in past years. Reliable sources say that
does not seem to be
the source of this unusual team of extraordinary seaplanes."
A clue to the origins of "The Moth": http://www.furaffinity.net/full/24039045/
(Art added 27 September 2017)
Excitement mounted as the starting hour
with the sea in co-operative mood. Promptly at 8.00 a.
the starting maroon shattered the peace, setting all the
screaming their derision.
(Monaco race, 1914 - The
Schneider Trophy, by David Mondey, 1975 - page 56)
Racing seaplane crew finds their
Jerry Collins, idea & pencels; Ken Fletcher, inks and tones
Larger file here (1.1 MBytes)
(posted 12 October 2016)
It is early 1925, at a major seaport on the Pacific Ocean.
A civilian seaplane
crew is looking for a sponsor for their entry in the Spontoon
Island seaplane
races. They believe they have perhaps found their patron. They
have constructed
a quite excellent floatplane within its racing classification,
but money and
sponsorship is needed for design improvements, tune-ups,
flying practice,
entry fees, and transportation to the Spontoon
Archipelago, and hangar rental
once they are there. A promotional poster in their seaport
neighborhood provides
a good excuse to bring up the subjects of international
prestige, business publicity,
and upward social mobility. And several weeks for a patron to
explore the exotic
people and events during the 'Speed Week' in the Spontoon
His elation was short-lived. With a sudden
explosion of sound, bits of
engine came hurtling past his head and almost before he
could take breath
NW-2 hit the water, catapulting him clear of the cockpit
at something like
200 mph (322 km/h). Unbelievably he was quite uninjured
and rescued....
(USA floatplane flight test 1923. The Schneider Trophy,
by David Mondey, 1975 - page 127)

"(Over-heated engine; 'nuff
Collins - idea & pencils; Ken Fletcher, grey tones
file here (1 MByte)
(posted 24 August 2016)
(Ken's commentary): One of the sad events in the life of a
racing seaplane owner.
Also, some of the happy events in the life of a seaplane
owner: It WAS paid-off.
It also looks like the owner/pilot made a safe exit from the
With a little overwatch from the Caterpillar Kami, our
Spontoon Speed Week
racer will safely parachute to island earth or lagoon beach,
to fly again.

Speed Week 2016 notice... and
request for art & text contributions.
Sketches and re-posts are okay, if they are close enough to
the themes.
See the Speed Week Contributors page,
if you wish detailed suggestions.
On and on it sped, forging its way ahead, passing
now one plane
and then another until it came abreast of the
leader. The thrill,
the intoxication of the race took possession of the
young aviatrix,
and she urged it on to its fullest speed.
(Linda Carlton, Air Pilot,
by Edith Lavell, 1931 - page 244)
"Coming In Full-Throttle" -
by Jerry Collins
(Larger file here - 1 MByte)
Upload 4 September 2014
to Speed
Links to
Speed Week History & the
Schneider Trophy
Stories about Speed Week &
Air Racing Art Archive 1
Air Racing Art Archive 2
Air Racing Art Archive 3
Air Racing Art Archive 4
Air Racing Art Archive 5
Air Racing Art Archive 6
Air Racing Personalities
Auto & Motorcycle Racing
Spectators - Tourists and Locals
Information for Contributors
'Wanna Lei' welcomes you to Speed
Week - by Dennis Clark
(Larger file here - 1.9
("Wanna Lei can be found greeting
disembarking passengers from the
weekly China Clipper. When not at the dock, she
Madam Woo’s Prestige Establishment for Discerning
Gentlemen." - Via Mr. Clark)
"In the opposing (seaplane racing) camps there
were alternations of
elation and despair, brought about as first one and then
the other side
was seen to have an aircraft capable of
breathtaking speed."
(David Mondey on the 1926 Schneider Trophy race over Chesapeake
USA vs. Italy. From his book "The Schneider Trophy" -
page 175)
you're flying with a tail-wind, don't
take all the credit for your ground-speed."
(Air-racing Pilot 'Rongway' Roo - 1934)
Aircraft Racing

Bugman und Dross "Blitzen II"
as it
appeared at its 1938 Speed Week debut.
(Flown by Ilsa Klensch) (larger image
- 1.3 MBytes)
Art by R.J.Bartrop - http://rjbartrop.artspots.com

"Ilsa puts the Blitzen II
through its paces during the 1938 Speed Week."
(larger image - 1.3
MBytes) - Art

"German flier Ilsa Klensch
overtakes the American entry during the 1938
Schneider Trophy race." (Pacific Press RadioPhoto) - (larger image - 1.3 MBytes)
Art by R.J.Bartrop - http://rjbartrop.artspots.com

Conway R-3 Racing seaplane
- by R.J. Bartrop
- larger image here (1.3

Plan views of the Conway
R-3 floatplane - R.J. Bartrop
- very large image here
(1.3 MBytes)

Conway R-3 at speed
during 1938 Schneider Trophy Race.
image - 1.3 MBytes) - by R.J. Bartrop

"Lucky 7" floatplane racer
- by Jerry Collins - (Larger file here - 816 KBytes)
(Taxiing into base during a thunderstorm, before the rain.)
Uploaded 26 September 2014
Aircraft Racing
Art - Page 1
Aircraft Racing Art -
Page 2
Aircraft Racing Art -
Page 3
Aircraft Racing Art -
Page 4
Aircraft Racing Art -
Page 5
Aircraft Racing Art -
Page 6
(Posted 22 August 2016 - Update 12 October
(Links to separate pages with open images -
large in size)
(Art added Air Art Archive 3 on 8 August 2017)
(Art added Air Art Archives 5 & 6 on 27 September
& inter-island air racing
"Another thing that had to be taken into
consideration was the number
of competitors in this Pacific flight. Already nine
planes had been
entered and there probably would be more. He knew some
of the airmen
by reputation; plucky skillful pilots who would give
any man
a race for his money...."
(Ted Scott, pilot, in First Stop Honolulu, by Franklin
W. Dixon, 1927 - page 114)

Long-distance flight over the Pacific Ocean to
Spontoon Island.
Bellanca J-300 Monoplane
1931 (Ken Fletcher)
"Miss Nell Littlefoot and her Bellanca aircraft 'SORI Lady!'
at the end of the Eastern Island runway,
just after completing her long-distance flight (Chicago to
Spontoon Island) in 1931. Her navigator
was in later pictures, when they were able to wake him up.
Nell is overcome with awe, admiring her award from the Standard
of Rhode Island company,
with their exercise of industrial-aesthetic, the "Oil Over The
Waves" Oil Dispenser Trophy.
Her mood became more cheerful when she found out the 2-gallon
oil can base was stuffed
full of 20-dollar gold certificates.
This inscription on her autographed photo was only used for a
short time."
"The Spirit of Yucaipa"
by Marc Shirmeister
(Update 22 August 2016)

Speed Week
1935 (French Poster) by
Stuart McCarthy
(including the Spontoon
Island Racing Association (SIRA)
and the move of the Schneider Cup Races to
Air Racing 1945 & 1946
as reported by Simon Barber

"Rocket-88" by Stuart
McCarthy [Larger image here
- 1.1

Speed Week snail by JWKennedy
"Ahead, dangerously close to his track, was a
rowing boat and Kenworthy
applied a little rudder to steer (his flying-boat)
clear. Immediately the Pellet
began to porpoise violently, its hull hitting the water
with resounding
thumps.... the Pellet became airborne in a
semi-stalled condition and,
pushed to starboard by propeller torque, the wingtip
touched the surface
and the aircraft heeled over and went beneath the
surface like a stone."
(Pre-race tests, 1923. The Schneider Trophy, by David
Mondey, 1975 - page 127)
Italian Poster for Speed Week
- by Stuart McCarthy
[Larger version Here]
" 'This was Mr. Kenworthy's
second bath in the Pellet, which after
its double diving demonstration may as well be
known in the future as the Plummet.' "
(C. G. Grey, quoted in The Schneider Trophy, by David
Mondey, 1975 - page 128))
Sorensteen Sisters
Lady Katie MacArran
Lady Pamela Fenwick
Sophia (Casadonte) Bianco
Ilsa Klensch
Marie leSalle
The McCradden Family
Diverse Mechanics
23 October 2014

>>> End-of-SpeedWeek celebrations -
Larger file here (1.9
MBytes) <<<
by O.T. Grey (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tai-1/)
"Members of the Rain
Island Naval Syndicate are winding down at a portside
on Moon Island after
a busy day. I included Edy Loddis
amongst the crew...
It looks like she's slightly annoyed by the vixen's
antics. The mallard duck
is subtly enjoying the view while reaching for his Union Maid Beer." - O.T. Grey
O.T. Grey Art Archive
(Art posted 27 September 2017)
roar that poured from the clipped exhaust stacks
mixed with the blat of the props as they bit into the
and created a din that could be heard for miles, a long,
high pitched
that sent shivers of delight through the crowds lining
the shore."
(from 'The Story of the
Trophy Race' in This Was Air
by Henry R.Palmer, Jr. - 1962)
>> Auto Racing
>> Arabecky Toadveld,
winner of Pedal-Car Open (Speed Week 1937) <<
Larger file here
(988 KBytes)
by Ken Fletcher - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/heywulf/
(Update 20 November 2017)
(Update 16 October

"Scene from the 1936 Pacific
Basin TT Races" by William Earl Haskell
(larger file here - 884
Kb) http://www.furaffinity.net/user/trivialink/
(posted 10 March 2010)
Delivery Truck -
LaFontaine Fabulous Ales - Rain Coast - by Ken Fletcher
(Larger file here - 1 MByte)
(posted 21 July 2017)
Tourists & Locals
* "Chasing
Miyazaki II" - by A. E. Karnes *
Larger file here (1.2 MBytes)
- http://paxaeternum.deviantart.com/
"The Aerial Jaunts of the Old World"
(posted 20 June 2017)
SpeedWeek InfoCom street-worker
(& 2 Euro visitors)
Jerry Collins, idea & pencils; Ken Fletcher, inks &
Larger files here (3.5
MBytes), here (3.5 MBytes),
& here (1.3 MBytes)
An InfoCom worker hands out program guides to foreign visitors
at an aircraft racing
event. (There could even be a story here, somewhere.)
(Update 12 October 2016)
Speed Week (on Spontoon Island in the 1930s) attracts a lot of
especially for the aircraft racing. Most all of the visitors
from large cities around
the Pacific ocean are rich people from the upper classes, who
can afford to
travel for fun. They may have never visited the Pacific islands
and may need information about the Speed Week racing,
hospitality services, and local culture.
The Speed Week Information Committee Co-op pays many information
workers to be on hand in areas where visitors will gather.
Some of
these workers are at information booths, some (in their
checkered uniforms) will be on the streets, or mingling with the
They can answer general questions about Speed Week and the
Spontoon Islands,
or direct visitors to an information booth... all of the booths
have telegraph
operators, and some even have telephones (gasp!) to contact the
info center,
or telegraph directly to hotels.

"Seaplane Enthusiasts" by Jerry
Collins - inks by Ken Fletcher
A family of tourists watches seaplane time trials in the
Spontoon Lagoon
during Speed Week - With commentary by a Racing Committee Guide.
Larger file here (2 MBytes)
(Upload 29 April 2015)
Lenna Klarasdottir answers your
questions - by Ken Fletcher

Drama by the Lagoon! - by
"A tourist
notices a female pilot from one the local aeronautical

"Chasing Miyazaki III" - by A.
E. Karnes <
Larger file here (1.2 MBytes)
- http://paxaeternum.deviantart.com/
"A different kind of flying ship"
(posted 20 June 2017)

Spontoon Island Turtle Derby - by Giovanna Fregni, idea
& pencils
Ken Fletcher, inks & grey-tones. Larger files here
(641 KBytes) & here (1.6
An annual race for younger Spontoonies, racing upon some of the
younger large land tortoises
that live on a few of the islands of the Spontoon Archipelago.
They are at one of the points in the race-path
where you can see that the tuned stock tortoises are nearing top
speed... perhaps nearing
1/10th-of-a-mile an hour (not counting pit-stops and naps.) (Art
moved here 30 April 2017.)
excellence in aircraft maintenance
Aircraft of the Spontoon
("Air Bases")
Information for
in seaplaning had degenerated into a madcap struggle for
speed supremacy using planes built only for racing
and good for nothing else."
(from 'The Story of the
Trophy Race' in This Was Air
by Henry R.Palmer, Jr. - 1962)

Speed Week
billboard on beach - by Warren Hutch
- warrenhutch@yahoo.com

"Dachu-Dachu" The Tiki of Victory
(Patron of Athletes) by Jerry Collins
(Grey-tones by K. Fletcher)